Dixi polytool s.a.
Dixi polytool s.a.

dixi polytool s.a.

Shipment data shows what products a company is trading and more. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. is specialized in the production of tungsten carbide and diamond cutting tools as well as precision reamers. is specialized in the production of tungsten carbide and diamond cutting tools as well as precision reamers. Cleaned and organized India shipments 5 India shipments available for Dixi Polytool S.A. Az 1950-es években a DIXI Polytool nemzetközi szinten kezdte meg fejldését, és 1968-ban létrehozott egy leányvállalatot.

dixi polytool s.a.

A cég létrehozása óta a Castella család tulajdonában van.

dixi polytool s.a.

Trusted by over 10.4 million users and 95 of the S&P 500. 1 1 +49 171 691XXXX View Similar People. A DIXI Polytool kezdettl fogva úttör szerepet vállalt a keményfém eszközök gyártásában. Top Dixi Polytool SA Employees Rolf Hergert Geschäftsführer. 4 shipments (100.0) Easy access to trade data. A DIXI Polytool már több, mint hét évtizedes tapasztalattal rendelkezik. 5ª, Barcelona 08037, Spain (ES), Tel: +34 678 917 351, Dixi Machines Ltd, 3590 Route 9 - Suite 204, Cold Spring New York 10516, USA (US), Tel: +1 9, Fax: +1 9, DIXI POLYTOOL - VENTURA CHINA, Building 3, No. Top countries/regions supplied by Dixi Polytool S.A. The company is based in Le Locle since 1946. Top countries/regions supplied by Dixi Polytool S.A. This service is available for DIXI tools but also for competing assortments. s products and customers Thousands of companies like you use Panjiva to research suppliers and competitors. is specialized in the production of tungsten carbide and diamond cutting tools as well as precision reamers. Dixi Polytool offers its customers a resharpening service for all types of solid carbide, HSS, PCD, and natural diamond tools.

Dixi polytool s.a.