Land confiscation, property extraction, cultural undermining and political marginalization were some of the conditions the Oromo were forced to bear. The Oromo were forbidden and given no opportunities for developing their own institutions, and system that they used to hand over from generation to generation. For the emperors’ policy of one language, one religion and one nation, the new settlers designed systematic and organized cultural destr repression of the Oromo.
#Afaan oromo music kadir and saliha free
Since the Amhara conquest of Oromo in the second half of 19th century, the Oromo were denied free cultural space and political voice. They also attract many listeners, speakers and authors to use the language for different purposes (Tuohy,1991). The contribution of music, dance, drama and theatre to the development of political consciousness is unquestionable.

The singing took over or covert expression, most of the time covert (Asafa, 1993).

It needs special occasions in which the singer wants to express his or her internal feelings. The song of Oromo language is typified with such reflection.
#Afaan oromo music kadir and saliha for free
Since overt opposition to injustice and support for free thought had been unusual, song and theatre had been used as the main outlet of revealing the facts (Tuohy, 1991). They have existed in any culture specially influencing political movements and ritual activities. They are the reflection of the life situation of the society the period they were composed. Song and in gradual development theatre are the expression of sorrow, inconvenience, grievance, objection, anger, conflicts, achievements, victories,observation, pleasure, and affection (Echeruo,1975). Song is one part of language expression by which people reflect what they feel. The beginning of song in a society is as old as the beginning of the language itself. From the analysis of these sources, the paper is able to reveal how the Oromo troupes brought hidden grievance of the Oromo to the light und shows how these troupes brought unstructured way of cultural resistance and rural social banditries into the modern form of organized struggle by attracting many minds of bureaucrats, military officers, students, professio

Printed material as both primary and secondary sources are utilized with critica sources are indicators of the situation the Oromo had been forced to bear in those days. Informants were selected only on the basis that they had been direct participants of the events. The study draws up on primary and secondary sources, which had been collected in the Primary sources are securitized from archives and interviews. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the struggle of Oromo cultural troupes in creating consciousness among the Oromo to reconsider their lost rights. A History of Oromo Cultural Troupes (1962-1991)